It is very rare that the Mass & NH High School Basketball Report gets to a high school game early enough to see the Junior Varsity game. But on Friday night, we are glad we did. We left extremely early to avoid traffic going up Route 128 for a 6:30 p.m. Varsity start time at Manchester Essex High School. Not only did we see a great Manchester- North Andover High Varsity game, we were fortunate enough to get the opportunity to see 6'2" North Andover Freshman guard Brendan Miller. Miller splits his time between the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams.
Miller caught our eye during the Junior Varsity game when he threw down a two handed breakaway slam. The explosive dunk got the crowd to its feet and had the North Andover Varsity team hooting and hollering. Miller is an athletic guard that walks and runs on the balls of his feet. His hops are big time and he has a great bounce to his game. At this point, he's still not a polished ball handler or shooter. Nonetheless, he is quite a prospect and if his skills can catch up to his athleticism, he will surely be a force to reckon with in the future. As they say in the basketball world, he has a huge upside. We will keep you posted on his progress.